2+ online ratings
The summary star rating & review is based on aggregated reviews of this product across the web. It cannot be altered by the merchant and can be verified by emailing support@onereview.app.
Customer Reviews Summary
2+ online ratings
The summary star rating & review is based on aggregated reviews of this product across the web. It cannot be altered by the merchant and can be verified by emailing support@onereview.app.
What people like
The Faema E71 GTi A2 is praised for its exceptional build quality, temperature stability, and the quality of espresso it produces. Users appreciate its classic E61 design and the combination of automatic and manual functionality. It's viewed as a reliable and high-performing machine capable of delivering consistent, cafe-quality results.
- GTi Thermal System: Independent boiler heating system for precise temperature control and consistent brewing.
- AutoSteam Milk4: Automatic milk frothing system for consistent, high-quality milk texture.
- Smart Boiler Technology: Efficient energy management for optimal performance.
- Customizable User Profiles: Allows for personalized brewing preferences.
- Durable and Reliable: Built to withstand heavy use in commercial settings.
- Ergonomic Design: Easy to use and maintain.
- Iconic Design: A timeless aesthetic that adds elegance to any kitchen.